Friday, January 1, 2010

NYE Countdown cum ah mei's Bday Celebration in XeX ♥

Another crazy night, we were excited to the max!

My evil LHL

The fireworks

Now you get to know why we love to party with him *lol*

A must for birthday gal!

Flaming Lamborghini

The party gone wild when we start the S P R A Y W A R!! We playing like mad and running here and there. Some kena scolded by other people, I'm one of them *lol* cause we stepped on thier sofa, spray like nobody's business! We all have been sprayed until very charrrmmm!! Foams are over the hair, face and our clothes!! But Alan was more charm! We all chased after him like mad once he reached and stepped into the club hahaaa~ He got no chance to strike back at all, cause he didn't have the spray on hand!! He got a bad timing hahaa~~ After a box of spray is finished, we were WET as if we walking in the rains. Hair is sticky and oily = =

Everyone of us ended up like her!

You see you see, evil look!

KO ><

Finally, Birthday Cake and Birthday Song time!!

How cute the birthday cake is ♥ I never realised that it's a hedgehog until I see the picture!

Tequila Shots

These are beers actually


Everywhere was JAM like hell on that night! Especially when the party was ending! Can you believe that xm left at 2am plus but only manage to come out from the carpark at 4am plus!? Gosh! We have already finished our supper in mamak already by the time he came out from the Eden = =

After supper, went back to hotel to 续tua! LHL teached us a new game with some kind of playing card. She couldn't even speak properly with mandarin after drink! But she kept talking non stop. She always gets so irritated when she is very high *lol* So funny to listen to her very broken madarin hahahaa~ I couldn't think properly also when I got tipsy. That's why I kept losing the game! *sob*

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